Yes, as an App Admin or App Owner you can control the access & permissions of an app. Click on “Permissions” from the App Settings menu –
This shows up the Permission popup as shown below.
Visible to – Set the visibility permission of the app. Who
can view the app?
Add Data to App – This determines who has access to the form
and can add data to the app.
Modify – This determines who can modify data within the app.
Select “Data Owner” if you only want users to be able to modify their own data.
Delete Data – This determines who can delete data within the
app. Select “Data Owner” if you only want users to be able to delete their own
View App Data – This determines who can view data within the
app. Select “Data Owner” if you only want users to be able to view their own
data. If you want to give specific users
access to specific data records, you can do that by selecting “Conditional
Access” which provides 2 options
- Access based on User’s Email – You can allow
users to access data records that have their email address in one of the
fields. Select the email field in the condition.
- Access based on User – You can allow users to access data records that have their user profile linked to it. Data records can be linked to a specific user profile through the Users field in the form. Users field in the form are typically used to add a “Responsible” or a “Account Manager” etc to a specific data record.