There are 9 types of widgets you can add to the dashboard.

App Data

This widget shows an overview of the most recent data within an app. You could also customize this widget to see counts & sums grouped by a specific field in the app. For eg. Project Overview - Number of Projects by Project Status, or Sales Snapshot - Number of Sales Prospects by Status.

Pie Chart

This widget shows a pie chart of an app data aggregate. You can plot the chart on count or sum grouped by a specific field in the app. Eg. Deliverables by Status.

App Widget

This widget is a stat counter that shows a count or sum of a specific field within the app. Eg. Sum of Billable Hours or Number of Open Bugs etc.

Text Widget

This widget is used to showcase any important text or message on the dashboard. You could use it to showcase a mission statement or a project objective / goal.

Image Widget

This widget is used to showcase a specific Image or a series of Images on the dashboard. Eg. Product Images, Marketing Collaterals

Links Widget

This widget shows a list of static links on your dashboard. You could use this widget to showcase Quick Links relevant to a project or company.

Files Widget

This widget shows a list of files available for download. You could use it to showcase import project related files, employee forms etc.

Contacts Widget

This widget allows you to showcase selected list of Users in your network, most active users or most popular users within your workroom. You could use it for – Employees of the Month or Escalation Contacts etc

Blogs Widget

This widget shows the most recent blog post, most popular blog post or a specific selected blog post on your dashboard. Eg. Latest News